Michael Jantzen이라는 건축가가 얼마나 유명한 사람인지는 모르겠는데 그의 작품 중에 눈길을 끄는 교량들이 있어 소개한다.
Wind Tunnel Footbridge
The Wind Tunnel Foot Bridge is a new covered bridge for the 21st century; a design proposal for a new kind of wind activated footbridge made of steel and aluminum. As the wind blows, the five wind turbine wheels turn at different speeds around the people who are walking through to reach the other side. Three of the five wheels turn in one direction while the other two turn in the opposite direction. As the wind driven wheels turn in different directions and at different speeds, they can produce different electronic corresponding sounds. The Wind tunnel Footbridge was designed to be constructed in various types of public venues as an architectural attraction. The wheels also produce and store electrical energy much like a windmill.
Space Time Transformation Foot Bridge
The Space Time Transformation Foot Bridge is a conceptual design proposal for a pedestrian bridge structure that would be made of glass and steel. The walkway through the bridge would be made of clear glass so people passing over it could see through the support frame to the terrain below. The outer shell of the covered portion of the structure would be made of glass impregnated with translucent solar cells that form a graphic grid around it’s circumference, partially shading the interior walkway. These solar cells which convert light into electricity, would produce energy to illuminate the structure at night and to power the movement of the outer shell of the covered portion of the bridge. As people walk through the structure it would sense their motion patterns and respond by changing it’s shape accordingly.
간단히 설명하면 풍력과 태양열을 이용해서 전기를 만들어 내는 친환경다리이다. 창의성과 환경성 측면에서는 만점을 주고 싶은데 제대로 작동이 될런지는… 설사 만들어 놓아도 풍동다리(Wind Tunnel Footbridge)는 건너가기가 왠지… 쫌… 무서울 것 같다. 😉
wow, thats awesomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee