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Civil Engineering Magazine 기술기사

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  • Corinthian Crossing
  • The mainland of Greece will soon be linked to the Peloponnese by one of the longest cable-stayed bridges in the world, which also happens to feature foundations that are among the most innovative in modern design.

  • Box Girder Balancing Act
  • The Maine Department of Transportation’s first attempt at design/build resulted in a bridge that set a record for the longest precast-concrete box girder cantilever span.

  • Replacing the East Bay Bridge
  • The double-decked bridge between San Francisco and Oakland that was damaged in the Loma Prieta earthquake will be replaced with a four-part crossing that includes a signature suspension bridge.

  • Bridge within a Bridge
  • A complex retrofit added a second cable system, a railway deck and an additional auto lane to a Portugese suspension bridge without interrupting traffic flow.

  • Golden Gate Update
  • The Golden Gate Bridge seismic retrofit will upgrade every major component, including the north and south approach viaducts, the Fort Point arch, and the signature span.

  • Below Boston’s New Bridge
  • Foundations for the Charles River Crossing were a challenge. Constraints included a nearby operating subway, difficult soils and the possibility of liquefaction.

  • Learning from Disaster
  • In the wake of the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Taiwan, American engineers searched for the reasons why some structures survived while others did not. What they learned may make a difference when a large quake next strikes in the United States.

  • Buried Treasure
  • A stream in the northern part of South Korea’s capital had lost out to urbanization and, quite literally, gone underground. A project to uncover and restore this waterway will again allow the stream to figure in the life of the city and will give the residents of this busy Asian capital a chance to connect with nature.

  • Khufu and Kukulcán
  • The pyramids built by the pharaohs of ancient Egypt—especially the magnificent tomb of the Fourth Dynasty’s Khufu, or Cheops—have prompted extensive inquiry through the ages. Not so the pyramids erected by other ancient peoples—those of the Maya, for example. But the pyramids of the Maya—Kukulcán’s among them—reveal much about the sophisticated skills of their builders.

  • Poetic Crossing
  • Named for Georgia’s first national poet, Sidney Clopton Lanier, the new Sidney Lanier Bridge, spanning the Brunswick River in Georgia in the city of Brunswick, is an elegant structure that not only ensures navigational safety but also respects the wildlife habitats so intrinsic to the region and immortalized in Lanier’s poem “The Marshes of Glynn.”

  • Bridge and Tunnel Security
  • Last September a panel of experts in the design, construction, and operation of bridges and tunnels convened by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials and the Federal Highway Administration issued a detailed report on how to protect critical facets of the nation’s transportation infrastructure from terrorist attacks. Here is an update of what the report—and the panelists—recommend.

  • Regal Crossing
  • The 475 m long, asymmetrical cable-stayed bridge recently constructed in Bangkok at the behest of the king of Thailand features gold-colored stays, a sleek, enclosed deck structure, and a lotus-shaped observation tower.

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