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Corrosion Protection of Parallel Wire Cables

All three of the U.K.’s major suspension bridges have fallen prey to main-cable rusting, and dehumidification is the preferred cure. Work on the oldest structure, the Forth Road Bridge, is now starting. The Severn and Humber bridges are next in line. [British Engineers Tackle Corroded Cables on Trio]

현재 공용 중인 우리나라 교량들은 어떤 방법으로 유지관리가 되고 있을까? 앞으로 건설될 많은 장대교량들은 시작할 때부터 이런 것들을 면밀히 검토하여 반영해야 한다.

참고 링크들 :
1. National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) Report 534 : Guidelines for Inspection and Strength Evaluation of Suspension Bridge Parallel Wire Cables
2. Honshu-Shikoku Bridges 구간에 적용한 방법 제습(dehumidification) 방법 : Dry Air Injection System for Main Cables of Suspension Bridges
3. Forth Road Bridge에 관한 최종보고서
Audit of the Main Cable Inspection and Assessment of the Forth Road Bridge: Final Report

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