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Santiago Calatrava
스페인의 건축가 Santiago Calatrava Website
Sundial Bridge
Santiago Calatrava의 아름다운 사장교 :: Sundial Bridge
교량 관련 Top 10 Sites
Bridge Building – Art and Science
Bridge Building – Art and Science : 쉽고 많은 교량 자료 제공
Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge-Tunnel
관련 Link : Load to the Futere
The tunnel is 4,800 feet long from portal to portal, and it was built by the immersed sunken tube method, comprised of 15 prefabricated segments each 300 feet long and with two 2-lane bores, placed by lay-barges and joined together in a trench dredged in the bottom of the harbor, and backfilled over with earth. Four percent (4%) maximum grades are utilized in the tunnel, and a 60 mph design speed. The traffic lanes in the tunnel are 13 feet wide, with 2.5-foot-wide ledges on either side of the roadway, and with 16.5 feet of vertical clearance from the roadway to the ceiling. The current shipping channel above the deepest part of the tunnel has 800 feet of horizontal width and 45 feet of vertical depth below the average low-tide water level, and the tunnel was designed and built deep enough to allow for a future enlargement of the shipping channel to 1,000 feet of horizontal width and 55 feet of vertical depth below the average low-tide water level.
Forth bridge rivets
교량중에서 가장 못생긴 🙂 Forth Bridge에서 떼어낸 리벳을 판다는군요. 우리나라도 한강 인도교 보수공사중에 나오는 리벳들을 이렇게 팔면 어떨까요?
임시제한 조치
‘한강의 교량’ 게시판내의 사진들을 당분간 볼 수 없게끔 제한했습니다.
네이버 지식인에 외부링크가 걸려 어제 트래픽 초과가 발생 싸이트 접속이 차단되었습니다. 아마도 학생들이 방학숙제때문에 갑자기 몰렸나 봅니다. 🙂
좀 잠잠해지면 사진을 볼 수 있도록 조치하겠습니다.
Update) 이미지를 외부 링크 못하게끔 조치를 취했습니다. 이젠 사진 보시는데 문제가 없을 겁니다. 🙂 (2005.01.13)
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Leading the Way to the Future
Bridge Research: Leading the Way to the Future
The value of bridge research cannot be measured by any single yardstick. It can be concluded that placing a value on research is more of an art than a science. Yet, history clearly demonstrates that the development and implementation of innovative bridge technology has been a key to the economic development of the country and, thus, leads us to the future.