1. The Guadalupe County I-40 Overpass Bridges, Guadalupe County, N.M 2. Elk Avenue/Doe River Bridge Rehabilitation, Elizabethtown, Tenn. 3. Moose Creek Bridge, Timmins, Ontario, Canada 4. Perry Street Bridge, Napoleon, Ohio 5. Brady Street Bridge, Milwaukee, Wis. 6. University Avenue Arched Pier Bridge over I-74, Peoria, Ill. 7. Four Bears Bridge, New Town, N.D. 8. Noyo River Bridge, Fort Bragg,…
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이번 달 강구조학회지에 실릴 기술기사 중 ‘철도의 강아치교(Introduction:Steel Arch Bridges of Railway)’에 대한 소개글을 썼다. T/K 관계로 짬이 안나 청석엔지니어링의 이원철상무님께 초안 부탁을 드린 후 몇가지만 첨삭을 해서 제출을 했으니 사실 내가 쓴 글은 아니다. 이하 기술기사 소개글.
Leave a CommentMillau Viaduct에게 1위 자리를 내준 세계에서 두번째로 높은 교량인 New River Gorge Bridge에서 매년 열리는 Bridge Day 행사관련 영상 West Virginia주의 Fayetteville에서는 매년 Bridge day 행사가 열린다. 이곳에는 1,700 feet나 되는 세계에서 두 번째 긴 철제 다리가 있는데 이날만큼은 차량 출입이 통제되고 사람만 다리 위를 걸어갈 수 있다. 건물이나 고공 안테나, 다리, 절벽 등에서 낙하산으로 뛰어내리는 고공낙하 BASE(Building, Antenna, Span,…
Leave a Comment‘phobia’는 ‘공포증’이라는 뜻의 명사지만 다른 단어의 접미어가 되어 ‘OOO공포증’을 표현할 때도 쓰인다. 흔히 듣는 폐쇄공포증과 고소공포증은 각각 claustrophobia와 acrophobia이다. 우리가 자주 듣던 언급한 공포증말고 또 어떤 것들이 있을까 궁금해서 검색을 해보았더니… 엄청나다. 재미있는 것은 이중에 gephyrophobia(or gephydrophobia or gephysrophobia)라는 것이 있는데 바로 다리 건너는 것에 대해 공포증을 느끼는 것이다. 의학용어로는 ‘도교 공포증’이라고 한다. gephyra는 그리스어로 교량(bridge)이라는 뜻이다. 나같은 일반적인 사람들은…
Leave a Comment1. The Guadalupe County I-40 Overpass Bridges, Guadalupe County, N.M
2. Elk Avenue/Doe River Bridge Rehabilitation, Elizabethtown, Tenn.
3. Moose Creek Bridge, Timmins, Ontario, Canada
4. Perry Street Bridge, Napoleon, Ohio
5. Brady Street Bridge, Milwaukee, Wis.
6. University Avenue Arched Pier Bridge over I-74, Peoria, Ill.
7. Four Bears Bridge, New Town, N.D.
8. Noyo River Bridge, Fort Bragg, Calif.
9. County Road 453 over Battleground Creek Bridge, Coupland, Texas
10. Wapello County Mars Hill Bridge, Wapello County, Iowa
University Avenue Arched Pier Bridge over I-74
Leave a Comment1. The Guadalupe County I-40 Overpass Bridges, Guadalupe County, N.M 2. Elk Avenue/Doe River Bridge Rehabilitation, Elizabethtown, Tenn. 3. Moose Creek Bridge, Timmins, Ontario, Canada 4. Perry Street Bridge, Napoleon, Ohio 5. Brady Street Bridge, Milwaukee, Wis. 6. University Avenue Arched Pier Bridge over I-74, Peoria, Ill. 7. Four Bears Bridge, New Town, N.D. 8. Noyo River Bridge, Fort Bragg,…
Leave a Comment1. The Guadalupe County I-40 Overpass Bridges, Guadalupe County, N.M
2. Elk Avenue/Doe River Bridge Rehabilitation, Elizabethtown, Tenn.
3. Moose Creek Bridge, Timmins, Ontario, Canada
4. Perry Street Bridge, Napoleon, Ohio
5. Brady Street Bridge, Milwaukee, Wis.
6. University Avenue Arched Pier Bridge over I-74, Peoria, Ill.
7. Four Bears Bridge, New Town, N.D.
8. Noyo River Bridge, Fort Bragg, Calif.
9. County Road 453 over Battleground Creek Bridge, Coupland, Texas
10. Wapello County Mars Hill Bridge, Wapello County, Iowa
Perry Street Bridge
Leave a Comment1. The Guadalupe County I-40 Overpass Bridges, Guadalupe County, N.M
2. Elk Avenue/Doe River Bridge Rehabilitation, Elizabethtown, Tenn.
3. Moose Creek Bridge, Timmins, Ontario, Canada
4. Perry Street Bridge, Napoleon, Ohio
5. Brady Street Bridge, Milwaukee, Wis.
6. University Avenue Arched Pier Bridge over I-74, Peoria, Ill.
7. Four Bears Bridge, New Town, N.D.
8. Noyo River Bridge, Fort Bragg, Calif.
9. County Road 453 over Battleground Creek Bridge, Coupland, Texas
10. Wapello County Mars Hill Bridge, Wapello County, Iowa
세번째 교량은 Moose Creek Bridge
Leave a Comment1. The Guadalupe County I-40 Overpass Bridges, Guadalupe County, N.M
2. Elk Avenue/Doe River Bridge Rehabilitation, Elizabethtown, Tenn.
3. Moose Creek Bridge, Timmins, Ontario, Canada
4. Perry Street Bridge, Napoleon, Ohio
5. Brady Street Bridge, Milwaukee, Wis.
6. University Avenue Arched Pier Bridge over I-74, Peoria, Ill.
7. Four Bears Bridge, New Town, N.D.
8. Noyo River Bridge, Fort Bragg, Calif.
9. County Road 453 over Battleground Creek Bridge, Coupland, Texas
10. Wapello County Mars Hill Bridge, Wapello County, Iowa
두번째 교량은 Elk Avenue/Doe River Bridge Rehabilitation
Leave a CommentWired에 실린 “The Future of Bridges: Self-Replicating and Weird-Looking“라는 기사에 인용된 Stephen Wolfram이라는 사람의 글을 찾아보았다. But what is the very best bridge structure, say from the point of view of robustness? There’s a huge universe of possibilities. But so far, only a tiny corner has been explored–and that mostly in the 1800s. It’s very much the same as in…
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