ASCE에서 매년 제작하는 Bridges Calendar를 그동안 소개해 왔었는데 올해부터 ASCE 정책이 바뀌었는지 해상도 좋은 사진들은 제공을 하지 않고 있다. ‘View Bridge Photos’라는 링크를 하면 본문에 올려 놓은 쥐쌀만한 교량사진으로 연결될 뿐이다. 약간의 수고를 통해 관련 사진을 쉽게 구했지만 잠시 망설여진다. 일단 포스팅을 하고 출처 명기는 하지만 문제가 될 시에는 링크만 남길 예정이다.
January : Ribblehead Viaduct, England
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Neale Clark/Robert Harding World, Imagery/Getty Images)
February : Sutong Bridge, China
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Imaginechina, via AP Images)
March : Ponte Buriano, Italy
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Nico Tondini/Robert Harding World Images/Getty Images)
April : The Anaconda Bridge, Netherlands
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Matthjs Borghgraef/Flickr/Getty Images)
May : Waldo-Hancock Bridge, Maine
(Photo courtesy of AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
June : Juscelino Kubitschek Bridge, Brazil
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Mauricio Simonetti/The Image Bank/Getty Images)
July : Firth of Forth Bridge, Scotland
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Brian Lawrence/Photographer’s Choice/Getty Images)
August : Langkawi Sky Bridge, Malaysia
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Gavin Hellier/The Image Bank/Getty Images)
September : Mackinac Bridge, Michigan
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Michael Snell/Robert Harding World Imagery/Getty Images)
October : Old Bridge, Bosnia and Herzegovina
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Walter Bibikow/The Image Bank/Getty Images)
November : Khaju Bridge, Iran
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Kelly Cheng/Travel Photography/Flickr/Getty Images)
December : Kurushima Kaiko Bridge,Japan
(Photo courtesy of Photograph Isao Kuroda/Amana Images/Getty Images)